BetBurger is a service for Live and Prematch arbitrage situations (surebets) search founded in 2014. During its existence it has gained great popularity among gamblers and has got lots of good comments.
It gathers the odds from more than 100 bookmakers in over 25 kinds of sport including soccer, hockey, tennis, biathlon etc. Due to the deep scan of multiple markets, BetBurger generates far more arbs than any other similar service! Besides the scanner, there are also middles and the odds comparison service.
Interface Overview
Service interface with a pleasant blue-grey tones look gives you possibility to work with arbs as comfortably as possible. Optimized workspace allows to place a great number of arbs on one screen. Calculator on the right gives you a possibility to run all the needed calculations very fast. In the left part one may see a compact toolbar that provides a quick access to the basic service settings.
The BetBurger team has designed an easy-to-use calculator with wide selection of functions. It will help you to calculate all the rates at bookmakers very easy and fast.
The calculator allows you to round the sum to the given value, consider bookmaker commission and select the currency for more convenient bets reckoning.
“Close odds” as an additional function would be useful for you in case you haven’t made it with a stake at one of the bookmakers. Due to the automatic close odds search, you may always choose from the popup list the stake you need and place it to lock in a profit.
Accounting function enables you to enter data in your personal Account. Moreover, it helps you to keep track of your bets to control cash flows within bookmakers. It is useful for those who are very particular about their money and are eager to watch their balance history.
Right under the calculator you may find market filter and the list of arbs available for the event (additional layout), that gives you a possibility to find new relevant arbs for the same event.
Toolbar is located on the left side of the screen to provide a quick access to the main service settings.
First you are to see is an opportunity to edit the scale of the workplace. Owing to scaling, users with small displays experience much comfort working with a new layout.
There is a menu below to sort arbs by their type: by percent, by age, by beginning time and by ROI that reports the benefit of your stake.
In additional settings you may set the automatic layout update. You may also set voice and text notifications about new arbs coming and their grouping.
To make your work more comfortable, you can shorten or extend the number of displayed arbs from 10 to 50 on the page.
Quick access to your personal filters gives you a possibility to filter out the needed arbs according to the given criteria such as kinds of sport, bookmakers, countries, outcomes etc.
Arbs Filtering Features
Filter setting are pretty wide on BetBurger. You can filter out arbs according to any of 25 sports and more than 100 bookies. Besides, there is an opportunity to select a country, inclusion or exclusion of leagues and championships. At the same time you can sort arbs by the beginning time, start date and percent.
It is also worth noting the possibility of setting the 2Way and 3Way outcomes and matches on break that are useful for live gamblers.
Service Assessment
To all the above-stated advantages we may add the direct link to the event that saves your time to place all the bets you need.
It is worth noting that from time to time new bookmakers and sports are added to the scanner. Service functionality is improving all the time. You can purchase a one-day subscription to see all the advantages of BetBurger with your own eyes. Arbing Academy and a detailed manual on how to use the service will help newbies to figure thing out quickly.
On the basis of the above-stated information, to our mind, BetBurger service may be considered going down as the best bookmaker arbitrage scanner, by far. – arbitrage betting service made by professionals!