Before someone can become a London cab driver they must pass a test.
That test is called “The Knowledge” and requires years of study in order to memorize the cities 25,000 streets and any business or landmark on them.
With the invention of GPS the test has become a little outdated, and there is now talks of scrapping it all together – but that doesn’t change the fact that as a bettor you could greatly benefit by taking your own sort of knowledge test.
Obviously I’m not talking about memorizing the streets of London.
That won’t help your betting unless you are memorizing the locations of a number of bookies close to each other and are planning on taking them to the cleaners with a huge bet.
But what I am suggesting is that just like a London cab driver learns the streets of London inside out before they take their first fare, it would be very smart to study what you plan on betting on inside out before you even place your first bet.
Whether that’s horse racing, football, golf or something else.
Most people won’t have the discipline to do this, and I’m not going to pretend that this is how I approached betting.
But it is without a doubt the smart thing to do.
So if you want to do it the smart way, but still feel the need to scratch the betting itch, you could back the selections of a proven and profitable tipster like the ones in the tipster portfolio.
These tipsters already have the knowledge, and their tips make a handsome profit as a result of it.
Just take a look the latest results here:
Until next time,
Kenny Turnbull