Win Form Pro is a very impressive tipster service from the Pro Betting Club.
This tipster focuses on advising bets at Betfair SP and has not has a single losing month whilst following the advised staking plan.
Their are two different ways you can use Win Form Pro’s tips.
You can follow the advised staking plan (which Pro Betting Club recommend) or you can bet at level stakes.
Both methods are very profitable.
Win Form Pro advised staking system recommends that you bet using a Fibonacci sequence after a loss and you only bet on their selected horses that have a Betfair starting price less than 3.00.
I’m not a huge fan of staking plans that have you increasing your bet after a loss for the reasons stated in Staking Plans to Avoid.
That is why I’ve been betting using a level stakes betting plan and betting on all the advised selections (including those above 3.00 bsp) whilst trialing the service over January and February.
Here’s my results. (5% Betfair commission has been deducted from all winning bets)
My Results
Running Bank
As you can see these results have been absolutely phenomenal winning 92.73pts profit in just 2 months.
What’s even better, these results are not down to a spell of good luck. Win Form Pro has been producing these kinds of results month after month for over two years now.
This is hands down, the most consistent and profitable tipster I have ever had the pleasure of reviewing.
If you wish to subscribe to Win Form Pro tips you have two different options. The current prices are as follows.
Monthly – £19.75 per month + VAT
Quarterly – £39.50 per quater + VAT
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
As with all of the Pro Betting Club tipster services Win Form Pro comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you are not happy with the service you can get a refund, no questions asked.
Win Form Pro is one of the most reliable and profitable horse racing tipsters I have come across.
The Pro Betting Club limit places in all their tipster services so as not to negatively affect the Betfair SP for existing members of their services, so I encourage you to act fast so you don’t miss out on this great tipster service.
Did you carry on into March?
Hi Steve
I have carried on using Win Form Pro since I finished the review so I did use it through out March.
The results for March onwards though are mixed into my main betting spreadsheet with all the other bets.
I’ll go through these later today and give you an actual profit/loss for level stakes in March.
I am very interested in marched results also please. Just started doing it 3 days ago. Early days but so far so good.
Hi Steve and Dave,
Profit/Loss for March was +40.53 points so another great month for this service.
I don’t understand why PBC are just playing on odds lower than @3. Because when I compare your profits and their profits, it’s just insane. You’ve made almost 93 points profits, when they’ve just done 34 points in playing odds less than @3. Why they don’t play every odds?
Betting only on selections under 3.00 the way PBC advise is more reliable and the service has never had a losing month betting like this. That is the only reason I can see for PBC to advise betting like this.
To me it just seems like a lot of extra effort to make less money in the long term.
I don’t mind the odd losing month here and there if I’m going to be making more money in the long run betting on all the selections.
Hi. Firstly have to say very nice review. I really like it. There’s no BS. You get straight to the point, description, info, pics & honest/blunt opinion + summary.
Ah! almost to ask. May i ask if you carried this (WFP) on in these past 2 months? April and or just May’s profit points? If it’s not too much to ask 🙂 thank you. Appreciate it 🙂
i seriously have to sign up to this i think ^_^
Hi Sherwin,
The service has slowed down slightly over the last couple of months with 7.95pts profit in April and a small loss of 0.89pts profit in May if you were to bet on all the selections at level 1pt stakes.
It’s still making a profit over those two slow months which is a good sign and with any hopefully the results will pick up a little sometime soon.
Been following WFP since reading this review (12th April) and impressed by this service and results. However they differ a little from yours Kenny as they were placed via BOG bookies and taking early prices. Again I just bet 1pt win on all selections.
End of April +25pts
End of May +17.5pts
Again if I hadn’t of seen this review I may not have found this (thanks again Kenny)
Currently +4.9pts (before today’s selections) for this month. A lot of 2nds though so pretty sure there’s a big month coming!
It’s good to see how well WFP is doing to BOG bookmaker prices. The last couple of days have been pretty good too.
Here’s to another profitable month!
How have June and July turned out?
Have you got a summary for the last two months and since January?
Which is more profitably level stakes or Fibonacci?
P.s would you recommend this over other systems?
Hi Mike,
My results show the following. (I’ve continued back to level stakes at BSP)
June – + 13.85pts
July to date – + 6.04pts
Here’s a summary of level stakes and Fibonacci.
Results 01/01/2015 – 30/06/2015
Level Stakes – + 169.9pts
Fibonacci – +85.72 pts (number taken from PBC website, not proofed by me)
Going by those numbers it looks like backing all the selections to level stakes is far more profitable than using the advised Fibonacci betting.
And to answer your final question, yes. This has been my favourite tipster service since I joined back in January.
It has delivered consistent profits to BSP with no major losing runs. It’s pretty hard to do any better than that.
Hey, it’s me again. Can you confirm to me that in the results of July, they add 3 horses that was absolutely not in their selection. I give you those 3 :
01/07 Cradle mountain @1.9 WON! Off course it was the last step of the staking plan
02/07 Martiniquaise LOST
03/07 Mambo Fever LOST
No problem with every other selections of the month. But Cradle Mountain change everything on the month results, because it should have been their first losing month! Indeed, I am finding -1619,9€ for July, and they put a profit of 526€. Right?
Hi Dann,
It looks like you’re right. I’m not showing those on my results spreadsheet either. I know I missed a couple of bets for WFP this month one day but that was towards the middle of the month and definitely not at the start.
It is however possible that these bets have been put up at 5pm in the evening as they occasionally do with this service and that we have both missed them.
I’ll give Tom at ProBettingClub an email and advise him of this and see if he can offer an explanation.
I just back all their selections to level stakes so my results will differ from yours. My results are showing a loss of -6.19pts for July.
Update: Tom responded to my email very quickly and confirmed that these bets were all advised on the page in the evenings at around 5pm.
It does say on the site to make sure to check back for selections at around 5pm but I’m also guilty of not always checking for these so something to remember going forward.
Followed these for 6 months and made a big loss. I would not recommend these. The results are clearly dodgy.
The results over the last 4 months to level stakes have been fairly poor but it was doing very well before that.
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