It’s a question I like to ask myself.
It’s very easy to just try and forget about a loss and chock it down to bad luck.
After all, you can’t win them all. Right?
Yes, it’s true. You can’t win them all. But it doesn’t hurt to take a look back at how the race panned out and why the horse you backed lost. In fact, it can sometimes pay off big time in the future when the horse is running again.
So it’s well worth taking a look back at a race and attempting to work out why a horse lost.
For example, did the distance suit the horse?
Was the early pace too fast, or too slow?
Did the going suit the horse?
Was the horses fitness questionable?
Did the horse run as expected, only to be beaten by an unsuspecting, well handicapped outsider?
There are many reasons for a horse not winning a race, but taking a short amount of time to try and identify the specific reasons will give you some knowledge that you may be able to use to your advantage when the horse next runs.
Especially if you take a note of that information.
There are plenty of places online that let you keep your own notes on different horses, and if you don’t want to use them you could even just keep some notes in a simple spreadsheet.
Then whenever you see a horse running that you’ve backed before, you can simply take a look back at your notes to refresh your memory.
Until next time,
Kenny Turnbull
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