Make Pace Analysis Easy With This Simple Tool – Pace Analysis Part 3

Yesterday I showed you how you can go about creating your own pace ratings and suggested how you could go about using those ratings.

But creating pace ratings can be very time consuming if you do it all manually – and automatic options for creating your own pace ratings (such as creating your own horse racing database) require you to be a computer wiz with database software.

But there is an easy to use tool that I’ve been using that gives you pace ratings for every horse, in every race that are calculated using the method I described to you yesterday.

And that is the pace analysis tool that is part of GeeGeez Gold’s.

The pace analysis tool takes a look at a horse 4 last races and rates them on a scale of 1 to 4 with 1 meaning the horse was a lagger and 4 meaning the horse was a leader in one of it’s last races.

These figures for the last 4 races are then tallied up to give a total rating out of 16.

This is the same rating system I detailed yesterday and it can be used in the exact same way. The only difference is that the pace analysis tool calculates all the ratings for you saving you a huge amount of time.

The pace analysis tool is only a small part of what you get with GeeGeez gold. It also comes with fully interactive race cards and full form filters that make form study a breeze.

If you want to sign up to GeeGeez Gold you can do so here:

The majority of punters betting on horse racing in the UK don’t have access to pace ratings, and of those that do, most of them don’t have a clue how to go about using them.

Because of this, understanding and using pace ratings as part of your race analysis can give you a definite edge in the betting markets, and allow you to spot some great value bets that others – using more traditional form study methods – will completely miss.

Until next time,
Kenny Turnbull

P.S. Don’t have the time to spend ages analyzing races yourself? Or maybe you just want to follow a simple selection strategy that actually works?

Then take a look at the tipster portfolio:

Those tipsters have all proven themselves to be very profitable over the long term and I use them all myself. You can view their proofed results to 1 point level stakes at the link above.